Saturday, March 16, 2013


           The state of a certain place or nation is eminently affected by how its leader governs the people. The Machiavellian theory is one of the philosophies that deeply influence how leaders among the world administer their territories.

In Davao City, as people say, Machiavellian theory has been applied by the Dutertes in holding the reins of the people in the city. It is also undeniable that through the years, as they ruled and dominated in Davao, the city has progressed in a lot of different aspects -- that is, if people are to be asked. The number of crimes has deteriorated, and the people of Davao have been more disciplined in doing what the law states. Due to this effective leadership, it is assumed that their political thought is infused by Machiavellian theory.

But, up to what extent is this being effective, right? Yes, the Dutertes are indeed, effective. But we cannot say that they will always be right in all aspects. In deciding what’s good for the city, what’s right for the people, and what’s righteous among for their officials. One of the examples given during the discussion is the declining to sign permits on rallies. The people, being given the chance to hold protests is not worth to be thankful for, simply because protesting is indeed a right of every Filipino. This is legally allowed according to the Philippine constitution because it is a part of our freedom of expression. The point is that, they allow protests which are not against them but if it is, they don’t.

This is not a matter of the name of the leaders or politicians anymore. Dutertes are just used as an example, but this is addressed to all the leaders of this nation. So, when does being effective end? Isn’t it giving the people what is truly right? And not just because they think that it is?

In a situation, for a Machiavellian, a leader or prince has the right to kill a very powerful criminal if he will be caught. For an opposite of Machiavellian leader, he will put him behind the bars. Hence, there is a big difference. For Machiavelli, he thinks that killing the criminal would be beneficial for all. For the opposite kind of a leader, he will let the jurisdiction of the body prevail through a due process. There is a law because it is what the law makers have decided and have thought about the constitution for the people of that certain territory or nation. But if a Machiavellian way of system will exist, then law makers and worst, the laws will be of no use anymore.